Cameron Belmore, SGA President reported on the following events and initiatives that SGA is planning:

January 25th there is Bingo in the Parkhurst Commons, which is always a popular activity with 100-150 participants.

January 30th there will be a free tote painting event in the Yeater Lobby.

The date for the Trail Mix bar will have to be changed. They are looking for a new date.

SGA has been working with Dean Brosch and her team to send out a student survey regarding Quality Instruction.Homecoming is coming up February 12-17, with the Homecoming basketball games being held on the 17th and the goal is to the “Fill the Fred (MPC)”. T-Shirts will be given to the first 100 students at the game. The theme for this year is Hunger Games. Events being held during this week include the banner competition, voting on the king and queen candidates, and cotton candy, which will be available on the 15th.