Student Government Association President Cameron Belmore introduced herself to the Board of Trustees. Cameron reported that they just completed the grant $52,000 in disbursements to Clubs through the application process they have. Three students rate and choose the recipients for the club grants. Currently Charles Howell is the interim advisor to SGA, since Hannah Hartung has taken on a new position within the college.

Other notable events that SGA and campus clubs are involved in include:

  • October 2, 2023 — TSO will be holding a lemonade fundraiser on Lamm’s Landing from 11 am-2 pm. Proceeds will be going toward the organization and their events.
  • October 10, 2023 – Active Minds Club will be showing a documentary at 10 am called “Wake Up”, which is about suicide prevention. SGA is providing refreshments. Dr. Murders added that prior to the showing of the documentary, there will be an articulation signing ceremony with William Woods University and with Central Methodist University for Behavioral Science and Social Work programs.
  • October 10, 2023 — SGA is sponsoring a watercolor painting class from 2-4 pm in the Parkhurst Commons.
  • October 19, 2023 — Agriculture Club is sponsoring a Cornhole Contest and a Soup Cook off. They also have the Mums Sale going on. Mums will be 5 for $55 or $12 per mum.
  • October 26, 2023 — SGA is sponsoring pumpkin painting from 6-8 pm. Decorated pumpkins will be displayed so that everyone can vote on their favorites by scanning a QR code. Winners get gift cards from the Campus Store.
  • October 31, 2023 — SGA is participating in Trunk or Treat at Centennial Park from 5:30-7 pm.